In the first place, please pray for us!
If you wish to help further, no matter how much, or little, you can click here to help the Choir realize its continuing mission for the greater glory of God, and the restoration of Roman sacred Liturgical music.
Gifts to the NCCL apostolate for the Choir are tax-deductible, and 100% of each gift designated for the MIC is given to the Choir.
Donate to MIC by cash or check payable to “NCCL” – 621 Jordan Circle, Whitehall PA 18052-7119 USA.
Include this memo on the check: “MIC’s sacred music”.
Gifts to the MIC are received by NCCL, a local apostolate and non-profit charity having 501c3 status with the IRS. Gifts qualify as tax-deductible according to the IRS Code. Each benefactor must confer with his own tax advisor to determine one’s particular circumstances. The NCCL apostolate transfers to the MIC 100% of each gift collected when assigned by the benefactor to MIC with the memo “MIC’s sacred music”.